Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sailor in training, only pencil sketch for now.

As title, I probably won't have any CG anytime soon, but I am planing to buy a Wacom for next paycheck tho.

For now I want to have at least 1 sketch post a week, my A school for Navy is going to start soon so I don't think I will have a lot of time doing sketch.

I have a long time didn't sketch on pencil tho, this is a sketch when I was being hold at THU (temporary holding unit), everyone is being punished because of few. That's the idea behind this sketch.

This is sketch form THU also, she it's a friend from restaurant I worked before but I think it doesn't look like her after I finish, funny face from the right is drawn by my shipmate, he told me that's the best he can draw. hah.

This is the first sketch I done on A-school site, she's the Yeoman on my ship. I forgot my key in closet on the first day even she already told me not to forget the first time she helped me get my key. 
I wish I could do CG so I can paint her in color, her eyes is really pretty! Maybe I should try to improve my color pencil coloring skills.

I watched the anime version of Batman, it's pretty interesting, although I didn't draw the ninja version of Batman because I think shipmate probably is gonna judge me on that and I am not confident about super heroes since I never draw one before, it's pretty fun to draw, hopefully I will done more of these.

Wish I can keep drawing, a lots decision has been made and I won't be home for many years!
Join Navy is the craziest decision I ever made, it is challenging and keep me push my self.

I wish I can be the person I want to became, I am hoping I will at least have what I was looking for after I finish my first contract.

I need to remind my self not to forget the reason I sign this up, keep fighting!

1 comment:

  1. You are super talented! You have the ability to deliver picturesqueness of simple subject. Portrait painting requires keen observation of people and keep trying to see through their subtle expressions, the fine lines marked their life stories and the penetrate deep into their eyes. These delicate transfer of feelings will help you to focus on important things in life. I will also support by your side. Dear John, keep rocking!
