Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sailor in training, only pencil sketch for now.

As title, I probably won't have any CG anytime soon, but I am planing to buy a Wacom for next paycheck tho.

For now I want to have at least 1 sketch post a week, my A school for Navy is going to start soon so I don't think I will have a lot of time doing sketch.

I have a long time didn't sketch on pencil tho, this is a sketch when I was being hold at THU (temporary holding unit), everyone is being punished because of few. That's the idea behind this sketch.

This is sketch form THU also, she it's a friend from restaurant I worked before but I think it doesn't look like her after I finish, funny face from the right is drawn by my shipmate, he told me that's the best he can draw. hah.

This is the first sketch I done on A-school site, she's the Yeoman on my ship. I forgot my key in closet on the first day even she already told me not to forget the first time she helped me get my key. 
I wish I could do CG so I can paint her in color, her eyes is really pretty! Maybe I should try to improve my color pencil coloring skills.

I watched the anime version of Batman, it's pretty interesting, although I didn't draw the ninja version of Batman because I think shipmate probably is gonna judge me on that and I am not confident about super heroes since I never draw one before, it's pretty fun to draw, hopefully I will done more of these.

Wish I can keep drawing, a lots decision has been made and I won't be home for many years!
Join Navy is the craziest decision I ever made, it is challenging and keep me push my self.

I wish I can be the person I want to became, I am hoping I will at least have what I was looking for after I finish my first contract.

I need to remind my self not to forget the reason I sign this up, keep fighting!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Best wish

I spent about 1/3 painting time on the cat.
but over all, my painting speed has improved.

I think I lacks plan for many previous painting

I really needs to do better on draft sketch,
this time I did it right.
So many important features or lines needs to show very clear on the draft.

I really like this painting!

I think I can finally start making portfolio pieces!!

Software: Paint tool Sai
Time: Less than 15 hours
Date Finish: 7/11/15
For: IX-I


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Currently inspire by in this style, would like to do this practice as often as possible.

Need to do more planing and choose an easier picture as a reference.
So I don't have to redesign too much.

Could give it a better finish, but I think I spent too much time on this.

software: sai
time: about 2 hours

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

An art work for my working place

I feel I need to being more careful with mistakes, I should should fix it when I discover one immediately instead of trying to find every mistake and spend way too much time in the end.


Line: Sai
Color: Sai, Photoshop
Spend time: 30 hours+


A quick sketch for a Birthday Wish

Sai 25 mins

Monday, July 7, 2014

you dont deserve luck, help your self please.

Draw my self a major appearance all the time, I guess I am always 屋耐 haha.

Please be happy v.v