Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Time waits for no one

I haven't update my blog for a long long time with personal issues.....=(


Everything seems quite settle down right now, so I hope I can start updating my blog more often and put more stuff on here for people to see. =)

Here is the girl that I was working on for previous post~
Obviously it's still not finished........ v.v
but I think I am gonna pass this one.

I made too many mistakes from the beginning, I realize I have to fix way too many things in this painting X___X.
so I decided to start painting something else =/


Here is a painting for my friend's birthday, she love it!
Well I personal think if I have more time to do this, it would turn out much better though.

The fun thing is my friend thinks I use the real martial to paint this painting wwwwww.


This painting is an experimental piece =S

I am trying to use new painting method to see how fast I can paint this.

And I was like wow =O!! really surprise me how fast I can do this~

in about 10 mins.

1 hour fix

Hmmmmm I am soooooo gonna try more painting like this wwww

even the 10 mins one is a good way to keep the ideas down =p


Here is just a logo I design for a GW2 guild. Fury of Order [FOO]

The idea is the dragon represent the "Fury"
but the problem is....
"Order" is really hard to present in an interesting way though. =/

My brain almost die to think what could represent "Order" and match the pattern "O" at the same time.

But I am just tire of thinking =____=

so I put 2 little squares there instead. (What ever!! xD



here is the black & white


a charr "F" which I fail

some thoughs

Try to use gear to represent "Order" but it didn't turn out very well ...

anyway people like the someone else design so.... it turn out I make a banner for the forum lol


"Time waits for no one"
yeah.... thx for reminding me...

my little princess v.v