Friday, December 16, 2011

chick 51% !?

I am too tire today.....

will do Random Girl 4 tomorrow
and also planing to do Random Dude 1

chick still in progress

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Saturday, April 30, 2011

life drawing April 2011

Should't focus on face that much, I believe I need to do more contour drawing to improve my control for thickness of lines.

Some lines goes too dark that confuse people to see part of images, need to be more careful on dark lines. 

Not enough tones on shadowing, at least 3 tones.

Also, try loose up the drawings! 

Starting life painting in May.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

cherry blossoms tree on progress

so i start with the tree bark texture, is this too dark?

because i have seen many pictures like below. 
that the tree bark color its really dark , it looks really good with the white-pink cherry blossoms =O!
it give more contrast to the scenes? maybe?

i think i need to make another texture for the moss, trying to have some larger area with the moss.

the main loft:

then i make 3 more loft:
which is 4 loft already!
it shows i have 415 polys now.
but this side looks a little empty!
should i make another loft =/?

building loft with reference picture:

yeah~ so i need advise for tree bark texture,
and should i make another loft~???

thank you for reading~
advise! please! =))

new tree canopy texture for the old tree

so today~
because the old tree branches looks too hush, and its nice to have leaves texture on the leaves~ so i rework the tree canopy texture.

i post this because i actually paste every single leaves texture, and i have to ctrl+e to merge the layer every time before i paste the next leaf.
just wondering if theres a quicker way to do it?

new tree canopy texture!

new look.

I love advise!! give me some please! =DD

Friday, February 4, 2011

New tree reference: cherry blossoms tree

just wondering~ are these reference good enough? or i should have some more reference?

and for the scenes, i think i will have something like a huge Japanese garden look.
should i find some pictures to use as garden reference now?

i am planing to make 2 cherry blossoms tree this time, to give the scenes some variation.

advise for reference! please! =)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

tree done by yesterday

So this tree was done by yesterday, after i finish the tree recap video form Future Poly.

some different angles

major branches use,
tree canopy

Tree Bark close up look


advise! please =)